
List Flattening

// Java program for flattening a Linked List 

// An utility function to merge two sorted linked lists 
Node merge(Node a, Node b) 
	// if first linked list is empty then second 
	// is the answer 
	if (a == null)	 return b; 

	// if second linked list is empty then first 
	// is the result 
	if (b == null)	 return a; 

	// compare the data members of the two linked lists 
	// and put the larger one in the result 
	Node result; 

	if ( < 
		result = a; 
		result.down = merge(a.down, b); 

		result = b; 
		result.down = merge(a, b.down); 

	return result; 

Node flatten(Node root) 
	// Base Cases 
	if (root == null || root.right == null) 
		return root; 

	// recur for list on right 
	root.right = flatten(root.right); 

	// now merge 
	root = merge(root, root.right); 

	// return the root 
	// it will be in turn merged with its left 
	return root; 