// Java program for linked-list implementation of queue
// A linked list (LL) node to store a queue entry
class QNode
int key;
QNode next;
// constructor to create a new linked list node
public QNode(int key) {
this.key = key;
this.next = null;
// A class to represent a queue
//The queue, front stores the front node of LL and rear stores the
//last node of LL
class Queue
QNode front, rear;
public Queue() {
this.front = this.rear = null;
// Method to add an key to the queue.
void enqueue(int key)
// Create a new LL node
QNode temp = new QNode(key);
// If queue is empty, then new node is front and rear both
if (this.rear == null)
this.front = this.rear = temp;
// Add the new node at the end of queue and change rear
this.rear.next = temp;
this.rear = temp;
// Method to remove an key from queue.
QNode dequeue()
// If queue is empty, return NULL.
if (this.front == null)
return null;
// Store previous front and move front one node ahead
QNode temp = this.front;
this.front = this.front.next;
// If front becomes NULL, then change rear also as NULL
if (this.front == null)
this.rear = null;
return temp;
// Driver class
public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
Queue q=new Queue();
System.out.println("Dequeued item is "+ q.dequeue().key);
// This code is contributed by Gaurav Miglani