
Stack Longest Valid Parentheses

// Java program to find length of the longest valid 
// substring 

// method to get length of the longest valid 
int findMaxLen(String str) 
	int n = str.length(); 

	// Create a stack and push -1 as initial index to it. 
	Stack<Integer> stk = new Stack<>(); 

	// Initialize result 
	int result = 0; 

	// Traverse all characters of given string 
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 
		// If opening bracket, push index of it 
		if (str.charAt(i) == '(') 

		else // If closing bracket, i.e.,str[i] = ')' 
			// Pop the previous opening bracket's index 

			// Check if this length formed with base of 
			// current valid substring is more than max 
			// so far 
			if (!stk.empty()) 
				result = Math.max(result, i - stk.peek()); 

			// If stack is empty. push current index as 
			// base for next valid substring (if any) 
			else stk.push(i); 

	return result; 