
Tree Check Complete

//A Java program to check if a given binary tree is complete or not 

import java.util.LinkedList; 
import java.util.Queue; 

public class CompleteBTree 
	/* A binary tree node has data, a pointer to left child 
	   and a pointer to right child */
	static class Node 
		int data; 
		Node left; 
		Node right; 

		// Constructor 
		Node(int d) 
			data = d; 
			left = null; 
			right = null; 

	/* Given a binary tree, return true if the tree is complete 
	   else false */
	static boolean isCompleteBT(Node root) 
		// Base Case: An empty tree is complete Binary Tree 
		if(root == null) 
			return true; 

		// Create an empty queue 
		Queue<Node> queue =new LinkedList<>(); 

		// Create a flag variable which will be set true 
		// when a non full node is seen 
		boolean flag = false; 

		// Do level order traversal using queue. 
			Node temp_node = queue.remove(); 

			/* Check if left child is present*/
			if(temp_node.left != null) 
				// If we have seen a non full node, and we see a node 
				// with non-empty left child, then the given tree is not 
				// a complete Binary Tree 
				if(flag == true) 
					return false; 

				// Enqueue Left Child 
			// If this a non-full node, set the flag as true 
				flag = true; 

			/* Check if right child is present*/
			if(temp_node.right != null) 
				// If we have seen a non full node, and we see a node 
				// with non-empty right child, then the given tree is not 
				// a complete Binary Tree 
				if(flag == true) 
					return false; 

				// Enqueue Right Child 

			// If this a non-full node, set the flag as true 
				flag = true; 
		// If we reach here, then the tree is complete Binary Tree 
		return true; 

	/* Driver program to test above functions*/
	public static void main(String[] args) 

		/* Let us construct the following Binary Tree which 
		   is not a complete Binary Tree 
		   / \ 
		   2	 3 
		   / \	 \ 
		   4 5	 6 

		Node root = new Node(1); 
		root.left = new Node(2); 
		root.right = new Node(3); 
		root.left.left = new Node(4); 
		root.left.right = new Node(5); 
		root.right.right = new Node(6); 

		if(isCompleteBT(root) == true) 
			System.out.println("Complete Binary Tree"); 
			System.out.println("NOT Complete Binary Tree"); 

//This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh